Help Save A Life Today!

The reality of the war on our Northern borders has become more worrying and unpredictable. Families are in crisis and fearing for their lives and those of their children.

·      Who is going to support them now and in the future?

Emunah is on the frontline of the psychological war, supporting thousands of people each day.  Emunah’s 13 counselling centres across Israel, from Nahariya in the North to Sderot and Netivot in the South are providing vital emotional and psychological support to families who are deeply affected by the trauma of this ongoing war. 

The war has destabilised families’ lives, many have severely regressed in recent months due to heightened anxiety and deep-seated trauma. Without our help, they face an uncertain future and lack the tools to survive and thrive.

Only through crucial therapeutic interventions can our families start to reclaim their mental health and well-being through intensive counselling and educational support.

We urgently need to raise funds to ensure Israel can heal and support those that are just beginning their therapy journey.

 Donate now to give therapeutic support to our families

              One Year of Therapy (full group)                                                       £15,000

              Six Months One-to-One Counselling                                                     £10,000

              Three Months of Music Therapy                                                        £5,000

              Psychological Evaluation for Two Children                                          £1000

              Art and Play Therapy for a Week                                                        £360

              Group Pet Therapy                                                                             £250

              Staff Therapy Session                                                                        £180

              One-hour Sderot Helpline Support                                                     £54